strongly advise

美 [ˈstrɒŋli ədˈvaɪz]英 ['strɒŋli ədˈvaɪz]
  • 强烈建议
strongly advisestrongly advise
  1. I would strongly advise against it


  2. I 'll strongly advise Eric to apply for that job , it 's a wonderful chance for him .


  3. I strongly advise against it .


  4. I would strongly advise against going out on your own .


  5. We also strongly advise you to see our full privacy policy statement .


  6. I strongly advise you to watch them if you haven 't yet .


  7. Garber says : They both describe a behavior and strongly advise against it .


  8. I strongly advise you to lower price . otherwise , it can hardly compete with similar product on our market .


  9. The Agency would strongly advise that anyone using this product , particularly on young children and babies , should stop immediately .


  10. On a Windows 8 laptop , I strongly advise consumers to buy machines with touchscreens .


  11. Of course , for production environments , we strongly advise you to configure your web server as explained in the web server configuration section .


  12. For the safety of the students , we strongly advise the student not to participate in high-risk activities and sports activities in the US .


  13. Many pediatricians , including mine , strongly advise against exposing newborns to the glowing screens of smartphones and tablets .


  14. Financial planners strongly advise parents against plundering their own retirement savings , which they are likely to need , to pay for this .


  15. Beyond the time required for lessons and studio events , we would strongly advise you to make time to attend concerts , recitals , master classes and so forth .


  16. While this may seem to be cheap and nitpicky , and I was indeed rather skeptical myself at first , I would strongly advise that these are instructions that you should heed to their fullest extent .


  17. Garber says : " They both describe a behavior and strongly advise against it . They hint at that the troubling fact that privilege tends to be highly apparent to everyone except the people who enjoy it . "
